Thermal Imaging Cameras
Shop By
Shopping Options
Spectral Range
  1. LWIR 4 items
  2. MWIR 7 items
  3. SWIR 1 item
On Sale
  1. On Sale 2 items
Product Series
  1. FLIR A3xx 1 item
  2. FLIR A6xx 2 items
  3. FLIR Cx 1 item
  4. FLIR ETS3 1 item
  5. FLIR Exx 4 items
  6. FLIR T Series 6 items
  7. FLIR T1000 1 item
  8. FLIR T500 1 item
  9. FLIR T600 1 item
  10. FLIR TGxxx 4 items
  11. Testo 800 2 items
Highest temperature
  1. 300°C 3 items
  2. 350°C 2 items
  3. 380°C 3 items
  4. 400°C 3 items
  5. 550°C 4 items
  6. 650°C 6 items
  7. 1000°C 2 items
  8. 1500°C 5 items
  9. 2000°C 6 items
  10. 2200°C 1 item
  11. 3000°C 2 items
Lowest temperature
  1. -20°C 26 items
  2. -30°C 3 items
  3. -25°C 4 items
  4. -40°C 4 items
  5. 400°C 1 item
Best Seller
  1. Best Seller
  1. 80 x 60 1 item
  2. 120 x 90 2 items
  3. 160 x 120 5 items
  4. 240 x 180 1 item
  5. 256 x 192 2 items
  6. 320 x 240 6 items
  7. 384 x 288 2 items
  8. 464 x 348 4 items
  9. 464 x 248 1 item
  10. 640 x 480 4 items
  11. 640 x 512 7 items
  12. 1024 x 768 1 item
  13. 1280 x 1024 1 item
  1. Amprobe
  2. Fluke
  3. Teledyne FLIR
  4. Testo
  5. UNI-T
Image Frequency
  1. 0.0015 Hz to 1004 Hz 1 item
  2. 0.0015 Hz to 180 Hz 1 item
  3. 9 Hz 4 items
  4. 30 Hz 10 items
  5. 60 Hz 2 items
  6. 125 Hz 2 items
  7. 180 Hz 1 item

SJ Electronics offers a diverse range of thermal imaging cameras tailored to meet the needs of professionals across various industries. The lineup includes an array of models with different specifications, features, and performance levels. From entry-level cameras for basic inspections to advanced models for specialised applications, SJ Electronics has a thermal imaging camera to suit every requirement.

These cameras are equipped with high-resolution sensors, advanced image processing algorithms, and exceptional thermal sensitivity, enabling accurate and detailed thermal imaging. With adjustable temperature ranges, customisable colour palettes, and multiple measurement modes, SJ Electronics' range of thermal imaging cameras provides flexibility and versatility for various applications such as electrical inspections, mechanical diagnostics, building assessments, and more. The cameras are often designed with user-friendly interfaces, ergonomic grips, and durable constructions, ensuring ease of use, comfort, and longevity in demanding environments.

With the ability to capture, analyse, and document thermal data efficiently, SJ Electronics' range of thermal imaging cameras empowers professionals to identify problems, make informed decisions, and optimise their operations, ultimately enhancing safety, efficiency, and productivity.