Part 7: What support and training options are available from the camera manufacturer and SJ Electronics?

Part 7: What support and training options are available from the camera manufacturer and SJ Electronics?

This is frequently overlooked when setting out to buy an IR camera. As is true with other sophisticated instruments, IR cameras provide a wide range of capabilities. Application and other factory support becomes very important in getting the most out of your camera system investment. Support might be as routine as supplying delivery details on an order, or as complex as describing temperature measurement techniques on reflective targets. FLIR is always there when things don’t go as planned, when repairs are required, and when training sessions are needed.

For example, our education and training capabilities include:

  • Organized training available in the form of classes — formalized training of camera usage, software, and data collection systems; application techniques; physics of radiometry and thermography.
  • Training at the manufacture facility — you’re able to interface with those who engineer, build, and service camera systems.
  • Regional training — nearby to reduce travel.
  • Customer site training — provided at the customer site location for application-specific training.

Individualized learning with your own camera

Individualized learning with your own camera

In addition, customers who purchase directly from SJ Electronics benefit from:

  • Access to engineers who are thermography experts.
  • Direct flow of information — upgrades, new releases, education, etc.
  • Dedication and focus — SJ &  FLIR focuses on one thing: infrared imaging and measurement.
