Temperature Measurement
Shop By
Shopping Options
Spectral Range
  1. LWIR 4 items
  2. MWIR 7 items
  3. SWIR 1 item
On Sale
  1. On Sale 3 items
Product Series
  1. FLIR A3xx 1 item
  2. FLIR A6xx 2 items
  3. FLIR Cx 1 item
  4. FLIR ETS3 1 item
  5. FLIR Exx 4 items
  6. FLIR T Series 6 items
  7. FLIR T1000 1 item
  8. FLIR T500 1 item
  9. FLIR T600 1 item
  10. FLIR TGxxx 5 items
  11. Testo 800 2 items
Highest temperature
  1. 300°C 3 items
  2. 350°C 2 items
  3. 380°C 3 items
  4. 400°C 3 items
  5. 550°C 4 items
  6. 650°C 7 items
  7. 1000°C 2 items
  8. 1500°C 5 items
  9. 2000°C 6 items
  10. 2200°C 1 item
  11. 3000°C 2 items
Lowest temperature
  1. -20°C 26 items
  2. -30°C 4 items
  3. -25°C 4 items
  4. -40°C 4 items
  5. 400°C 1 item
Best Seller
  1. Best Seller
  1. 80 x 60 1 item
  2. 120 x 90 2 items
  3. 160 x 120 5 items
  4. 240 x 180 1 item
  5. 256 x 192 2 items
  6. 320 x 240 6 items
  7. 384 x 288 2 items
  8. 464 x 348 4 items
  9. 464 x 248 1 item
  10. 640 x 480 4 items
  11. 640 x 512 7 items
  12. 1024 x 768 1 item
  13. 1280 x 1024 1 item
  1. Amprobe
  2. Fluke
  3. Teledyne FLIR
  4. Testo
  5. UNI-T
Image Frequency
  1. 0.0015 Hz to 1004 Hz 1 item
  2. 0.0015 Hz to 180 Hz 1 item
  3. 9 Hz 4 items
  4. 30 Hz 10 items
  5. 60 Hz 2 items
  6. 125 Hz 2 items
  7. 180 Hz 1 item
Trade Approved
  1. Yes 5 items

Temperature Measurement

SJ Electronics offers a comprehensive range of temperature measurement products designed to meet the diverse needs of professionals across various industries. The product lineup includes a wide array of instruments and devices for accurate and reliable temperature measurement.

From handheld infrared thermometers to thermocouples, temperature probes, and thermal imaging cameras, SJ Electronics provides solutions for both contact and non-contact temperature measurement. These products are built with precision and quality in mind, offering high accuracy, fast response times, and excellent durability.

Whether it's for industrial process monitoring, HVAC system diagnostics, food safety inspections, or laboratory research, SJ Electronics' range of temperature measurement products deliver the accuracy and reliability required for critical temperature measurements. Additionally, they often come with user-friendly interfaces, intuitive controls, and advanced features such as data logging, adjustable emissivity, and alarm functions.

With SJ Electronics' range of temperature measurement products, professionals can confidently monitor and control temperature conditions, ensuring optimal performance, safety, and quality in their applications.