FLIR Fixed Cooled and Uncooled Thermal Imaging Cameras
Shop By
Shopping Options
Spectral Range
  1. LWIR 4 items
  2. MWIR 7 items
  3. SWIR 1 item
Product Series
  1. FLIR A3xx 1 item
  2. FLIR A6xx 2 items
  3. FLIR Cx 1 item
  4. FLIR ETS3 1 item
  5. FLIR T1000 1 item
  6. FLIR T500 1 item
  7. FLIR T600 1 item
Highest temperature
  1. 300°C 2 items
  2. 350°C 2 items
  3. 1000°C 2 items
  4. 2000°C 3 items
  5. 2200°C 1 item
  6. 3000°C 2 items
Lowest temperature
  1. -20°C 9 items
  2. 400°C 1 item
  1. 464 x 348 1 item
  2. 640 x 480 1 item
  3. 640 x 512 7 items
  4. 1280 x 1024 1 item
Image Frequency
  1. 0.0015 Hz to 1004 Hz 1 item
  2. 0.0015 Hz to 180 Hz 1 item
  3. 30 Hz 2 items
  4. 60 Hz 2 items
  5. 125 Hz 2 items
  6. 180 Hz 1 item

Welcome to SJ Electronics' collection of FLIR fixed cameras. Discover a wide range of high-quality FLIR thermal imaging cameras designed for various applications. Our selection includes both cooled and uncooled cameras, ensuring you find the perfect solution for your thermal imaging needs.

FLIR is a trusted brand renowned for its cutting-edge technology and exceptional image quality. Whether you require thermal imaging for industrial inspections, building diagnostics, or security purposes, our FLIR fixed cameras offer unparalleled performance and reliability.

Explore our inventory and harness the power of FLIR thermal imaging to enhance your operations. Shop now for FLIR cameras at SJ Electronics.