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  • Introducing the N9912C FieldFox Handheld RF Analyzer Keysight Technologies is broadening its FieldFox lineup by introducing the N9912C FieldFox Handheld Analyzer. This software-defined radio frequency (RF) testing platform grants field engineers access to over 20 options, including vector network analyzer (VNA), cable and antenna tester (CAT), and spectrum analyzer (SA) capabilities for upgrade and download. The new FieldFox C-model, covering up to 10 GHz, offers the following benefits: ...
  • IoT - Internet Of Things Are you creating devices that need to talk with other machines? Do you need to ensure that they are meeting the countless standards and protocols of the Internet of Things? Tektronix’s test and measurement experts and instruments can help you do just that! We will guide and help you all the way from the blossoming of an idea as you navigate wireless standards and face the headache of module selection, to making sure your product meets the latest standards and ...
  • Enhancing Understanding of Conduction Emission in EMI Testing Conduction Emission in EMI testing plays a pivotal role in gauging RF signals transmitted through the power system via devices like LISN and isolation transformers. However, during conducted EMI tests, extraneous signals from the environment and wiring can interfere, leading to measurement inaccuracies. Experiment Objective: This experiment serves as an eye-opener, emphasising that even with identical equipment, variations in re...