• Welcome to the SJ Electronics Advent Calendar, where December brings regular doses of exclusive special offers, discounts, and surprises that will elevate your business experience. How It Works: - Every weekday in December reveals a new, irresistible offer from SJ Electronics and our Rose Oak Group business partners.  - Check your email inbox for updates and unveil the current special treat. Visit SJ Electronics and get ready to unwrap the magic of test and measurement offers throughout...
  • MK Scales Newsletter - Unsubscribe We're sorry to see you go! Please fill out the form to unsubscribe. To be successfully unsubscribed please enter the email address that you can find at the bottom of the latest marketing newsletter you received from us. Thank you.
  • We can deliver goods to destinations within the UK Mainland only. For other parts of the UK and Europe, please call us for a quotation. All large products such as pallet trucks and large platform scales will be delivered within 1 to 3 working days and you will be informed about the delivery at least a day before delivery. Smaller boxed items are delivered within 1-2 days via courier.  Next day deliveries can be arranged by request. Orders must be placed for 2 pm for next day del...
  • Quantum Research – Flexible, Low Noise Signals For Triggering Qubits There’s a race going on to develop technology based on uniquely quantum or subatomic phenomena. Institutions are working to take data processing to the next level through quantum computing. Laboratories are studying and developing applications of quantum entanglement to create instantaneous communication anywhere in the universe. It may not sound like a quantum computer, a miles-long laser interferometer and a quant...
  • Terms and Conditions The content of this site is based on sources that we can consider as reliable, but for which we can't guarantee the accuracy, integrity or quality. The shown information (specifications, prices, images) should be considered as an indication and can be changed at any moment and without any prior notice. All our prices are shown excluding VAT with the inclusive price below for consumers.  Our Vat number is 875 720 400 You can order products displayed on our website on-line o...
  • Save Up to 10% on Keysight E36150 Series Value Bundles Keysight's E36150 Series of DC bench power supplies are now available in value bundles, lowering the cost of ownership whilst giving you access to advanced upgrade options and software such as the E36150ADVU and BV9200B PathWave BenchVue at discounted rates.  Good Value Bundles Take advantage of the Good Value Bundles and enjoy a 3.5% discount. Boost your efficiency by opting for the E36150ADVU upgrad...
  • MATERIAL SCIENCE - APPLICATION NOTES If you’re developing the materials or devices of the future like silicon-based compound semiconductors, thin film for solar cells, graphene and other nanoscale materials, etc., you’re at the forefront of breakthroughs in new applications in semiconductor technology, electronics, medical devices, health care, and more. Let us show you the latest innovations and techniques for accurate electrical characterization of these advanced materials, includi...